The Rights of the Arrested
Post-Arrest Rights: Not Often Understood
If movies, books, and television have taught us anything about crime and punishment, it is that there are three little words you should fear immensely: “You’re under arrest.” Usually, it’s because those words immediately precede a cut to commercial, followed by a return to a crying, screaming or otherwise unhappy prisoner. In reality, this isn’t how it works — there is a long road between being taken into custody and seeing the inside of an actual jail, with an equally drawn-out jail release process if applicable. Unfortunately, most people don’t know much of anything about what happens after arrest, and the lack of information includes a failure to understand the rights of the arrested., the website address of a trusted Dallas Attorney-based bail bond facilitator, knows the post-arrest period can be stressful and confusing, which is why the company is dedicated to educating the accused about what happens between arrest and posting bail.
Have I Been Arrested?
First, you should know the difference between being arrested and simply being questioned about potential involvement in a crime. If you are in a public place and law enforcement officers ask you questions about a criminal matter, you do have the right to refuse to submit to questioning and can walk away. You can avoid any misunderstanding by simply asking whether you are being arrested or detained, and if not, you can leave. The next step above being questioned but below being arrested is being detained – when police reasonably suspect your involvement in a crime. Even if detained, you still have the right to not answer questions.
Post-Arrest Rights
If you are arrested, an officer should clearly and unmistakably alert you to that fact. You have the right to be informed what you are being arrested for as well as the penalties for the crimes of which you are accused. And while you have the right to receive certain information, you also have the right to refuse to give officers information they request. Going along with that right is the right to a lawyer, who can advise you about if you should answer questions. Further, you have a right to have a judge determine whether you will be required to post bail or whether you can go free before trial.
The attorneys listed at the website understands that the judicial process can be confusing, and it is in your best interest to be informed. Often, bail bonds are part of the process; for more information on bail bonding, call Jail Sucks at 214-524-5782.